

中国澳门博彩官网俱乐部和组织旨在提高你作为学生的经验. They are a great avenue to making friends, learning new skills and even look good on a résumé. 新团体总是受欢迎的.


All club resources are now located in the "Student Activities and Events" group in my中国澳门博彩官网 under the "Resources" tab.



加入一个俱乐部, 填写此在线表格或扫描二维码.


Aevidum - The purpose of this organization shall be to empower youth to shatter the silence surrounding depression, 自杀, and other issues facing teens and college students within the framework of this Constitution and by-laws and the rules, 规定, 以及学院和董事会的政策.

顾问: 莉莎特花
610-372-4721 ext. 5005

艺术 & 设计俱乐部 - To create a space for conversations around what is possible around art and design for ourselves, 中国澳门博彩官网和整个社区. 这将通过, 事件, 旅行, 会谈, 还有一个可重复使用的保险箱, 随意的谈话环境, 一起工作,分享想法.

顾问: 安东尼·维加 

黑人学生会 - - - purpose of this organization shall be to provide a welcoming and comforting space for students of color and to support our community the best way possible. 

顾问: Chavonna库珀
610-372-4721 ext. 5262

社区服务俱乐部 -透过募款的方式与中国澳门博彩官网社区互动, the 社区服务俱乐部 draws attention to issues in our larger local community in order to educate the public. This is put into motion through fundraising 事件 to collect resources coupled with the power of conversations focusing on the issues in our community. These eye opening acts build an empathetic and engaged community for 中国澳门博彩官网 students and available resources for those in need.

顾问: 玛吉Kerbel

多样性的俱乐部 - This club is open to all credit students attending 雷丁区社区学院 who want to promote acceptance and sharing of diverse cultures, 比赛, 能力, 生活方式, 和观点. 俱乐部特别欢迎国际球员, 英语学习者, 以及正在适应大学生活的LGBTQ+学生.  每月的会议包括分享想法和人才的时间. The club organizes the popular Annual International Festival in the spring and joins together in community service activities.

顾问: 塔纳挖隧道
610-372-4721 ext. 5062

戏剧俱乐部 - - - purpose of this club is to be to creatively collaborate to help restore reading through the thought-provoking, 教育, and empowering nature of theater within the framework of this Constitution and bylaws and the rules, 规定, 以及学院和董事会的政策.

顾问: 艾伦·沃尔特

环保俱乐部 - The purpose of this organization is to disseminate information on pertinent environmental issues, 参与可持续发展实践, 并促进清洁, “绿色”的校园和社区生活方式.  Operation Green culminates its year-long initiatives with an Earth Day event each year.

联系: 尼古拉斯Fulwood

电子竞技 - 中国澳门博彩官网的电子竞技团队提供了一个有趣的, social environment for the many video game players of all skill levels and interests at 雷丁区社区学院 through organized meetings and 事件; and promote the growth of the eSports community and camaraderie between all gamers. 加入我们的争吵 或参观古斯特佐加斯学生会大楼Z-102室的游戏室.

联系: 索尼娅Rieger

FitClub - Our club’s mission is to inspire and support a healthy and active lifestyle among our student community. 我们致力于提供一个欢迎, 包容, 以及促进身体健康的激励环境, 心理弹性, 个人成长.

顾问: 科里作者舒诺华
610-372-4721 ext. 5068

前街日报 - - - 前街日报 雷丁区社区学院的校报是什么. Its mission is to provide a forum for the free exchange of ideas and information among all members of the college community. 除了编辑人员的机会, FSJ一直在找记者, 摄影师, 也是一名营销/业务经理.

顾问: 乔迪•格林

未来教育者俱乐部(FEA) -未来教育协会促进教育工作者的专业发展, 有效地倡导了K-12教育的重要性, 创造有意义的活动来支持K-12学生的教育, 并与更大的中国澳门博彩官网校园分享FEA活动. 任何有兴趣成为K-12教育工作者的人都欢迎加入.

联系: 南希·杰克逊,M. Ed.
610-372-4721 ext. 5263

拉丁美洲学生组织 -这个组织的使命还是一样的. We want to encourage and connect with other Latin American Students on campus and have a safe space where they can speak up and grow as young professionals!

联系: Elianny罗德里格斯

遗产 - 遗产 是雷丁地区社区学院学生制作的一份获奖杂志吗. 遗产’s goal is to serve as our school’s creative outlet and provide a showcase for the excellence achieved by our students. 通过散文, 诗歌, 艺术作品, 和摄影, 遗产反映了中国澳门博彩官网校园的多样性和丰富性. 因为它完全是学生经营的, 遗产 also provides an excellent opportunity for students who choose to serve on its team to gain hands-on publishing experience.

联系: Dr. Bahar Diken
610-372-4721 ext. 5035

穆斯林学生协会 - The purpose of this organization shall be to bring comfort and knowledge to not just the Muslims on campus, but to people of all faith within the framework of this Constitution and bylaws and the rules, 规定, 以及学院和董事会的政策.

联系: 卡梅拉Capellupo-Beaver

全国领导学会 & 成功(NSLS) -培养创造更美好世界的领导者.


Phi Theta Kappa国际荣誉协会 (Alpha Sigma Rho章) - Phi Theta Kappa, 两年制大学的荣誉协会, 最重要的是对学术成就的认可吗. 当地分会还为会员提供了许多获得奖学金的机会, 领导, 作为一个活跃的校园社团的服务和联谊. 会员资格在各种奖学金方面是有益的, 两年制学校以及未来的四年制大学. Currently enrolled students are invited to join when they have completed at least twelve hours of associate degree coursework at 中国澳门博彩官网 with a grade-point average of 3.60或以上.

联系: Danelle鲍尔
610-372-4721 ext. 5451 or
Dr. 唐娜单例
610-372-4721 ext. 5096

学生会协会 - - - 学生会协会 (SGA) of 雷丁区社区学院 consists of a diverse group of students who are the voice of the student body. SGA works hard to ensure that your concerns and interests about campus life are met. 倡导和改善校园生活是SGA的主要关注点. 他们还赞助校园里的许多活动. 所有GPA不低于2分的学生.0 are eligible to petition to become a senator of SGA after attending three consecutive meetings; completing a petition signed by twenty (20) currently enrolled 中国澳门博彩官网 students; & 获得中国澳门博彩官网教职员工的推荐信. 所有的学生, 工作人员, and faculty are welcome to attend an SGA meeting and voice their concerns or suggestions. 只有SGA的成员才能对提出的问题进行投票.

(610) 372-4721分机. 5206

学生护士协会 - - - Student Nurses’ Association @ 中国澳门博彩官网 (SNA@中国澳门博彩官网) is a local student nurse association chapter. Membership is comprised of freshman and sophomore student nurses who are enrolled in the clinical courses of the Associate Degree nursing program at 中国澳门博彩官网

顾问: Tracie Rowles-Weyandt MSN,注册会计师
610-372-4721 ext. 5419

中国澳门博彩官网基督教网络 -不管你的信仰在哪里, the 中国澳门博彩官网 Christian Network brings students together to share and encourage one another. 对所有在校生开放, 我们的目标是通过服务和推广使校园和社区受益. 我们努力为基督徒提供一个论坛, to enhance Biblical knowledge through Bible study and prayer meetings; to share the Christian faith with those willing to listen and to create greater opportunities for student interaction outside the classroom.

顾问: 苏珊·卡尔森